Ivan Reactor
5 min readJun 23, 2020


“Just as food causes chronic disease,
it can be the most powerful cure.” Hippocrates

Health2 Coaching Team have been releasing stories every two weeks since January 2020. Now you should be halfway through the quest toward the best version of YOURSELF. At this point we will be refining and fine-tuning your meal timing, lifestyle and mindset to make you invincible to various diseases, inflammatory reactions and all sorts of psychological disorders.


Check the face mapping chart in your Toolkit and scan your face for any signs or symptoms of inflammation on your skin, hair, nails and teeth. If an inflammation doesn’t go away in two weeks you may want to consider doing a hormone or food sensitivity test, consulting your family doctor or a physician.


Healthy hormones have always been attributed to youth, libido and longevity. The positive effects of hormones were known to Ancient Chinese long before our modern day medicine. Recent studies suggest that in order to preserve
natural youth, smooth skin and long-term beauty women need to preserve an optimal amount of estrogen. On the other hand, for men to preserve libido, muscles and traits of masculinity one must have a fair amount of growth
hormone and testosterone production to make cells regenerate quicker.


In the next two week you shall acquire new healthy long-term habits. Your Nutrition, Activity and Mindset Toolkit shall help you achieve your desired goals. Don’t forget to take a week off from work and break the routine. Disconnect and unite with nature as a reward. Go camping, unplug yourself from all of the current world’s turmoil. Here is the list of some healthy tips and behaviors you may indulge and start practicing for the next two weeks until you develop a habit loop:

Follow the 12 Laws of Karma

You may or may not believe in Karma but the rules outlined here are universal:
The Great Law
The Law of Creation
The Law of Humility
The Law of Growth
The Law of Responsibility
The Law of Connection
The Law of Focus
The Law of Hospitality and Giving
The Law of Change
The Law of Here and Now
The Law of Patience and Reward
The Law of Significance and Inspiration

Practice the Art of Patience

Anytime you wish for something say this affirmation, “I have everything I need, I live in abundance, things that I wish for will come to me when I’m ready”

Try Crying Meditation

Practice Weeping a.k.a. Crying Meditation. Keep your eyes focused on one still object; try not to blink until your eyes become filled with tears. Observe your thoughts and breath. Don’t force it, become a spectator. Do it in a quiet, isolated place in order to let go all your oppressed emotions out through weeping. Psychic tears even contain a natural painkiller, called leucineenkephalin perhaps, part of the reason why you might feel better after a good cry!

Eat during 12-Hour Window

If you eat during 15 hour window throughout the day begin by shortening the window to 1 hour every 2–3 days until you start eating during 12-hour window. This will help you eat less, save money on food and keep you accountable towards your goal.

Delay your First Meal of the Day

Depending on your schedule you may want to delay your first meal up to 2 hours upon waking up. Consider switching to grape seed oil, coconut oil, chia seed oil, avocado oil, almond oil instead of some commercial sunflower and olive oils available on the market.

Balance your Hormones

Try whole fresh cuts instead of salami or sausages. Add more garlic, onions, turmeric, black pepper into your meals. Vitamin D in particular has been shown to have a significant role in both men’s and women’s hormonal health and fertility. Consider vitamin D testing and supplementation. Be caution with nutrition plans that significantly restrict energy (e.g. carbs) especially in women who are more sensitive to the effects of restriction but also in men with lower hormonal reserves.

Animal Flow Movement

Try not lifting weights and work with you own body-weight for 2 weeks. Use some animal flow mobility exercises such as salamdra walk, lizard walk, bear crawl, bird-dogs, crab reach, beast walks, crab walk, inch worm, duck walk, swimmer, pike walk, etc. You may also combine those movements into locomotion. Try one of these infant development FUNctinal exercises such as toe sucking, pendulum back swings, baby army crawls, knee rocks, four limbs crawls, superman, etc.

Navy Seal Training

Use body-weight functional training principles for a week. You may want to look into calisthenics, navy seal or TRX training. Try voodoo floss, or get a flossing band if needed in order to treat injuries. Buy strength/resistance or mini bands to carry with you when you travel.

Workout of the Day

You may want to try some of the most popular fun and energizing CrossFit WOD’s for beginners such as:

1. Simple Burpee Workout when you do as many burpees as you can in eight minutes.

2. Push, Pull, Run when do 5 rounds of10 push-ups and 10 pull-ups. Then you finish with a half-mile run.

3. Body Weight WOD when you perform 3 rounds of 10 reps of air squats, Sit-ups, Push-ups, rows and burpees.

4. Tabata Push-Ups and Lunges when set a clock for 8 minutes and do Tabata alternating push-ups and lunges. “Tabata” means to perform a move for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and repeat.

5. Push Ups and Burpees in 5s when you do 5 sets of the following: 5 push-ups, followed by 5 burpees, then run in place for one minute.

6. The Running Sandwich when do a quarter-mile run followed by 40 air squats, 30 sit-ups, 20 burpees and 10 pull-ups. Then you finish with another quarter-mile run.

Are you still committed towards your goal/s?

Please complete this self check-up by answering the following questions sincerely and with zero judgment:

  1. What is essential? What are some things that bring about the highest possible leverage and value into your life in the long term?
  2. Would you give up any food or health care products that you deem unhealthy?
  3. Are you still 9 out of 10 committed to pursue onto the next Quest?

Please consult our private YouTube channel and Pinterest page to find out more bonus material for this Quest.



Ivan Reactor
Ivan Reactor

Written by Ivan Reactor

Health2 Practitioner. Holistic Nutrition and a Group/Fitness Coach I Practice and Facilitate Movement

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