Ivan Reactor
5 min readDec 10, 2020


The physician treats, but nature heals. Hippocrates

Some strategies that you would find in this Quest may seem too advanced for you at the moment. All you need to know is that we are discovering and rediscovering new minerals, super-foods, and treatments every day. What may seem to be pseudo-science today may become our next cure against the top killers of our modern day world!


Think about your most sincere dream. It could be your child’s dream or something you always wanted to try but has always been afraid of. Start making arrangements towards your unfulfilled dream/s immediately. Execute at least one little thing right now that would bring you one step closer towards it.


Western civilization in general has been always more concerned in the symptoms of pain while our Asian counterparts have been always looking into the cause. Taking pain killer is a common practice in the Western world. However, in Asia people would be more concerned with the prevention of pain by regulating two forces of energies that flow within us — physical and emotional. Finding this middle ground between two states yields fulfillment, joy and comfort from the thought alone that you’re living a fully congruent life. Without grasping at least 10% of what Bioenergy is, we can’t move further toward our best version. This Quest will give you some further directions and ideas towards your path in search of self-expression, continuous learning and ancient wisdom. Maintaining what you have already achieved is the most arduous task and it doesn’t mean that now you’re free to eat everything you want. You shall revisit and keep on applying all the knowledge you have acquired so far. Look around for more findings, studies and further research as we update our nutrition, activity and mindset library.


Plan your escape/trip for next year. It has to be something big. It could be a world tour, a cruise across the Atlantic, a hike in Norway, a climb on top of Kilimanjaro or Everest, boat tour on the Amazon river, Trans-Siberian train trip across Russia, vacation in Thailand, surfing in Hawaii, backpacking road-trip in Europe, etc. In the next two weeks acquire and practice the following habits:

Top 5 Regrets

Read carefully the top 5 regrets people make in their deathbed and reflect on your life as whole:

1. Wish to spend more time with your loved ones. Always choose your
loved ones over your work, your boss, your deadlines and projects.

2. Wish to act, express oneself and behave in life the way YOU truly feel
inside. This is what we call being fully congruent with yourself. Live the life
that you want and not the life that someone else wants from you.

3. The need for forgiveness. Self-compassion and compassion for others.

4. The need for remembrance. Leave something behind other than ashes,
used cloth, old gadgets and fancy soulless things. Self-expression through
art, music, literature, wisdom, technological advances, etc.

5. The need for having meaning in life. Self-development through learning,
acquiring and trying something new every single day.

Embryonic Breathing

Look into Bioenergy and discover powerful, ancient Asian practices such as Qigong and Embryonic Breathing. Try Embryonic breathing and Embryonic stretches to slow down your central nervous system

The Need for Having Meaning in Life

Move up the Maslow’s Pyramid towards self-transcendence in order to become an essentialist whilst enjoying the life of minimalism and modern-day science. The key is to maintain a balance between asceticism and high-end technology. Don’t go into extremes. Don’t get rid of your smartphone or laptop — simply use it less. Find your golden middle between modern-day technology and simplistic lifestyle.

Pushing your 8-Hour Eating Window

You may want to try to push your 8-hour window towards early lunch. Begin your day with a Titan Tea or Bullet-Proof or Mushroom Coffee. Do some light aerobic activities as well as your chores in the morning during your intermittent fasting window. Then you may go for your first meal of the day around 10–11am.

Explore a Range of Food Types

Try small fish that may be more sustainable like wild-caught cod or wild sardines in olive oil. Try cooking the whole chicken, then using the bones for stock, instead of prepackaged chicken breast. Try other types of meat, such as wild game, rabbit, goat, yak, horse meat, water buffalo, deer, wapiti, crocodile, kangaroo, veal or beef liver etc. Try Exogenous Ketones if you want to experience or maintain a state of ketosis.

Shoot for 2 Meals a Day

Eat 2 highly nutritious, close to organic meals that consist of 40~50% fats, ~30–35% protein and ~15–20% of carbohydrates ratio. Don’t snack in between! If you want to snack, do it right after your meal. Another option is to prepare a huge bowl of salad in between your 2 meals.

24 hour Fasting Window

Try to go for 24 hour fasting window once a week. Use re-feed strategy to maintain your energy levels using wide range of healthy carbohydrates options such as buckwheat, sweet potato, unrefined black rice, whole wheat bread, some moderate insulin index fruits such as berries.

Walking Barefoot

Become grounded and walk barefoot anywhere and anytime you can. When you work on the desk take your shoes and let your feet feel the floor, split your toes or wear toe spreaders. Use lacrosse or acupressure ball to roll your foot for 4 minutes a day. You may want to try an Acupressure Mat, Takefumi or Sadhu board to relax your feet after a long day at work. Our bodies are made up of about 60 percent water, which is great for conducting electricity. The earth has a negative ionic charge. Going barefoot grounds our bodies to that charge. Negative Ions have been proven to detoxify, calm, reduce inflammation, synchronize your internal clocks, hormonal cycles and physiological rhythms. The best places to get some negative ions through your feet are by the water.

Unite with Nature

Plan your seasonal escapes. Perform your training sessions, meditation and other activities outdoors. You may as well buy earth sandals or barefoot shoes. Remember three things you must know when choosing footwear:

  1. Make sure the shoe has minimum cushion between the foot and the earth
  2. The shoes should be flat 3. The shoe should be the exact size and match the shape of your foot perfectly

Kaizen Principles

Use Micro-loading when training. Don’t chase after the weights because you’re feeding your ego. Your own safety, form and technique should come first. Use smart weight progression; add weights in small increments under the supervision of your coach.

Train Naturally

Never use steroids or any other infused growth hormone, insulin or testosterone substances without permission from your physician or your doctor. When you inject growth hormones or take hormone therapy you become dependent on it because your own glands and thyroid shut down. One of the side effects of taking hormones is that you are going to create a lot of confusion in different organs especially in the gland that would stop producing its own hormones naturally. Train naturally and listen to your body is the best advice we can give you.

Are you still committed towards your goal/s?

Please complete this self check-up by answering the following questions sincerely and with zero judgment:

  1. Imagine attending your own funerals. What would you want to hear from others during your funerals?

2. What’s the biggest failure that could happen in your life?

3. Can you name some trade-offs that you had to make in the beginning of your journey towards the best version of yourself. Was it worth it?

Please consult our private YouTube channel and Pinterest page to find out more bonus material for this Quest.



Ivan Reactor
Ivan Reactor

Written by Ivan Reactor

Health2 Practitioner. Holistic Nutrition and a Group/Fitness Coach I Practice and Facilitate Movement

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