In a nutshell, it’s not about how long we live, it’s all about the quality of our lives that we care the most.
This Quest will once and for all debunk the biggest misconception of all times about fat. Upon passing it you will learn that polyunsaturated fat found in various foods is one of the lethal weapons in producing stunning marvelous results when it comes to a rapid fat-loss and energy regulation.
Take measurements and girth, scan your body fat % or simply make a selfie. Record everything in the Body Measurement Sheet found inside your Toolkit. Now, think about something to look forward as a reward after completing this Quest.
By gradually switching and displacing your foods for those high in fats you will be slowly turning your body into a fat-loss machine. When your body switches into a “ketosis state” rapidly you risk on having what is known as a Yo-Yo effect. Thus, you have to switch gradually with zero risk to your long-term health.
In the next two week you shall learn how to use high-fat protocol with zero risks to your physical and mental health. Your Nutrition, Activity and Mindset Toolkit shall help you achieve your desired goals. Here is the list of some healthy tips and behaviors you may indulge and start practicing for the next two weeks until you develop a habit loop:
Guided Mediation
You may want to try out some audio guided mediation apps out there. For instance, try Theta Brainwave Meditation, Deepak Chopra Meditation, Kelly Howell Meditation, guided New Age or Dr. Joe Dispenza Guided Meditation series, etc.
Healthy Person Behaviors
- is in tune with his internal cues and physiological needs
- stays active and always in motion
- acts in congruence with his thoughts and feelings
- stays positive and optimistic
- has purpose in life
- has somebody to love
What you Resist Will Persist
Never blame yourself for a brief moment of giving in to temptation. We’re all humans after all and sometimes we happen to eat starchy food at night. Rather than blaming - excuse yourself. Next time when you crave for something sweet say this affirmation to yourself, “I’m not going to eat any sweets or starch until I get my kick-ass workout done.”
Healthy Person Eating Habits
- eats when they’re physically hungry
- enjoys food but don’t seek emotional solace from it
- chooses foods they believe will satisfy them
- eats with awareness
- stops eating when they’re physically satisfied
- eats in all different ways, two to four meals a day
- occasional skips meals avoids snacking and practice intermittent fasting
- eats all types of different foods and diets — vegetarian, Paleo, carnivore, kosher, keto.
Portion Ratio: 40% Fats, 40% Carbs 20% Protein
Your last meal of the day must contain 40% fats, 40% carbs 20% protein ratio. Two palms of fat, two palms of leafy greens, one palm of protein. Don’t be afraid to use some grass fed butter along with organic hormone free bacon.
Reading Labels Like A Ninja
Every product that is labeled as fat-free, light, low fat stays in the grocery store. Avoid any foods that contain “-ose” ending ingredients in it. Don’t rely on marketing labeling their products as “all natural”, “no trans fat”, “made from real food”, “made from whole grains”, “non-GMO”. Read the ingredient list instead. If a product has more than 4–6 ingredients, it stays in the grocery store. If you’re trying to lose fat, leave out the fruit and snack on nuts and berries. If you’re going gluten-free, make sure you choose gluten-free oats.
Healthy Fats
Steer clear of hydrogenated and processed peanut butters, cream cheeses, or
margarine, and instead choose fats like:
- Coconut milk
- Avocado or Pemmican (great alternative for Avocado)
- Eggs (yes, eat the yolk — you could fill an entire book
with the health properties of egg yolk)
- Nut butter, seeds and nuts
- Butter or ghee
- Yogurt (make that three birds you can take out with
this, especially if you choose a yummy version like whole fat Greek Yogurt)
- Oils (accomplished by adding Udo’s Oil, extra virgin olive oil, etc.)
Insulin Level
It’s not all about “calories in and calories out”, lots has to do with insulin levels. Avoid artificial sweeteners as well whenever you can. The concept of “ketosis” is simple — that’s why it doesn’t sell. In a nutshell, keep your insulin level low by eating less sugar in order to lose more weight.
Safe Bedtime Options
You may have a green tea or a glass of kefir before bed. Other options may be guacamole, grapefruit (for women) or avocado with Himalayan salt. You may also try baking some home-made Keto buns.
Burn Additional Fat
To burn additional fat you may want to perform your workouts on an empty stomach before your first meal of the day. Other option is to train during your intermittent fasting window.
Weight Management
The best time to deserve your carbs is either 4 hours before workout if you train in the afternoon or right after if you train first thing in the morning post workout. Remember that for 75 % of Caucasians carbohydrates is not their friend. Having little of nutrient dense, low insulin index carbohydrates would be the best strategy for weight management.
Fascial Stretch Therapy
You may want to try either fascial stretch therapy or PNF stretch if you wish to improve range of motion, reduce stress and have a better mobility. FST is a assisted stretching technique performed by a Certified Fascial Stretch Therapist with the client on a treatment table. When assisted stretching takes place on the treatment table, comfortable straps are used to stabilize the limb or part of the body that is not being worked on, thus facilitating complete relaxation of the person being stretched and enhancing the effectiveness of the actions of the therapist. This technique uses a modified proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) technique.
Are you still committed towards your goal/s?
Please complete this self check-up by answering the following questions sincerely and with zero judgment:
- Are you aware of labels, tags and meaningless words used by food monopolists in trying to persuade us in buying their produces?
- Do you feel a physical hunger or psychological hunger before going to bed?
- On the scale 1 to 10 how committed you’re to work on the new habits in the next two weeks
Please consult our private YouTube channel and Pinterest page to find out more bonus material for this Quest.