Ivan Reactor
6 min readJul 21, 2020


Everyone has a doctor in him or her;
we just have to help it in its work. Hippocrates

The skills that you shall acquire in this Quest will make you more confident at the kitchen station
which would result in more faster, efficient and healthier food preparation.


Take a quick glance at your kitchen and see if everything is in place for
tomorrow. If there some utensils missing or if any kitchen tools are out of order, put it down in your shopping list. Get rid of any expired products and unused or outdated kitchen tools. Upgrade your kitchen with some brand new tools, utensils and gadgets that would speed up your food preparation.


There is a lot of evidence from Dr. Paul Kouchakoff studies suggesting that 51% of our foods we eat should come from raw and unheated vegetables. Everything else can be cooked and served along with raw foods. Most of vegetables and leafy greens lose its anti-inflammatory properties when cooked at high temperatures. However, some vegetables become more absorbed during the heating process. This Quest will provide you with useful information with regards to all best cooking and serving tips.


In the next two week you shall acquire new healthy long-term habits. Your Nutrition, Activity and Mindset Toolkit shall help you achieve your desired goals.

Loving-Kindness Meditation

Sit in a quiet room and close your eyes. Get in tune with your breath. Think of any occasion from the past when you perceived a person to treat you badly in any shape or form. Say thank you for the experience. Forgive all your foes and send them, “I wish you well message”. Send positive vibe and “wish you well” message to all your friends and family members who passed away.

Ayahuasca Ceremony

Look into booking your own private Ayahuasca ceremony with a trusted shaman. The end result is always unpredictable. You can expect to come in terms with your repressed emotions as well as face your inner demons and come to be at peace with your-SELF. According to various studies, researches and factors, it can be rightly concluded that Ayahuasca brings some wonderful positive impacts to one’s mind and spirits as well as it has its own wonderful effects on the body. The brew could very efficiently help in the treatment your sorrows, fear of mortality and chronic addiction.

Psilocybin Mushrooms

There are dozens of psychedelic mushrooms known to man for their ability to heal both mind and body. They can reduce anxiety, ease the intense pain of cluster headaches, alleviate OCD symptoms, improve depression, and boost the psychological state of terminal cancer patients. It has been noted that you can’t even get addicted to them but you have to use them at your own risk.

Eat 51% of your Vegetables Raw

There is a lot of evidence from Dr. Paul Kouchakoff studies suggesting that 51% of our foods we eat should come from raw and unheated vegetables. Everything else can be cooked and served along with raw foods. Most of vegetables and leafy greens lose its anti-inflammatory properties when cooked at high temperatures. However, some vegetables become more absorbed during the heating process. Among them: broccoli, cauliflower, kale and carrots. Conclusion, eat most of your food raw and uncooked. And
here’s is solution — make more salads! Consult your Nutrition Toolkit for more recipes, ideas and tips on how to make quick and easy salads.

Kitchen Layout and Checklist

The most efficient kitchens are set up as a triangle with a stove, sink, and refrigerator each a pint of the triangle. Ideally the sink sits next to the stove on one side and the refrigerator on the other. A small refrigerator can serve as a nudge to east less and will also get you out of the house more often. Make sure to have plenty of cleared counter space and good lightening (ideally incandescent bulbs). Keep small pantry and post infographic charts with Glycemic Load, Health Food Pyramid and FODMAP on your refrigerator. Make sure your kitchen is equipped with bamboo or wood cutting boards, a
set of an 8- to 10-inch chef’s knives for herbs, vegetables and meat, cast-iron pans, slow cooker, food processor, French press, clay jars and wooden spoons, plates no larger than 10 inches across, set of cookware made with extremely strong titanium and ceramic, and blender mixer (ideally 1400 watts 64 OZ or juicer)

Cooking Methods

A 2007 study looked at the effects of boiling, steaming, microwaving and pressure cooking on the nutrients in broccoli. Steaming and boiling caused a 22 percent to 34 percent loss of vitamin C. Microwaved and pressure-cooked vegetables retained 90 percent of their vitamin C. Conclusion — use steamer and slow cooker when cooking. Avoid using deep fryer. Often leftovers are best wrapped in nori, bokchoy, butter lettuce or Swiss chard. Avoid microwaving or excessive re-heating, and to avoid mold, fungus and toxins, try not to eat any leftovers that are more than 2–3 days old. For extra probiotics, you can also include a side of Kimchi or sauerkraut. To create a no sag salad lunch box place your salads in a jar. Use either glass to store your food or hard clay dishes.

Dining Out

If you’re not careful, lunch out at a restaurant can be notoriously high carb, high grain and laden with vegetable oils and other nasty additives. So your best bets are a salad with no cheese and dressing on the side (typically a cobb salad with avocado is a good pick), or an easy-to-digest meat such as wild-caught salmon served over a bed of mixed greens. Try to avoid grain-fed or hormone-laden meats, and if you need additional carbs for a pre-workout scenario, you can include an order of mixed fruit on the side. Keep things simple: meat + vegetables + fruit. And don’’t be afraid to order off-menu – meaning if you see that they have unhealthy chicken breast meals and unhealthy salads, you can just ask for a regular chicken breast served over a bed of mixed greens with a generous portion of olive oil. Politely request the waiter to avoid bringing you buns or bread. When offered an alcohol choose dry sugar-free red wine. Worse thing you can do is drink 3 days in a row and then go back to the healthy lifestyle. Drink it once and switch to your usual eating habits next day. Don’t feel the sense of guilt or be ashamed for your occasional unhealthy food choices. Try to avoid grain-fed or hormone-laden meats, and if you need additional carbs for a pre-workout scenario, you can include an order of mixed fruit on the side.

Lifting Clinic

Sumo lifts using moderate weight (kettlebell or barbell) with proper form increases blood flow into the groin (pelvic floor muscles) resulting in a better blood circulation and potency in men. Watch out for the Leg Press machine if you have a high blood pressure since it has the highest recorded blood pressure rate. You’re better off sticking with High or Low bar Squats. Other option may include Hack Squat or Smith machine.

Lower Back Mechanics

Remember — always keep your spine neutral! Muscular endurance and back stiffness protects against back pain. Don’t overload your back, do more repetition with moderate weights instead. Avoid twisting and overextending your back! Train for back endurance to support heavy loads. Do side planks and bird dogs to mobilize lower back before loading it with weights.

Prevent Lower Back Pain

Remember top three exercises to prevent lower back pain from the back expert Stuart Mcgill: 1 Bird-Dog 2. McGill Crunch 3. Hip Dips. Perform these three exercises using Descending Pyramid Training (DPS) circuit. Do short sets with descending numbers of reps. For example, Round 1 start off with
10 reps on all three exercises then cut down 2 reps with each consecutive round until you get to Round 5 with only 2 reps left for each exercise.

The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout

You may want to try out The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout by Dan Millman or try some Darebee workouts!

Are you still committed towards your goal/s?

Please complete this self check-up by answering the following questions sincerely and with zero judgment:

  1. Have you come in terms with yourself? Have you forgotten people that hurt you? Did you ask for forgiveness from people that you hurt?
  2. Do you feel that the course of action and the achievements that you have accomplished so far have greatly and positively impacted your life?
  3. Are you still 9 out of 10 committed to pursue onto the next Quest?

Please consult our private YouTube channel and Pinterest page to find out more bonus material for this Quest.



Ivan Reactor
Ivan Reactor

Written by Ivan Reactor

Health2 Practitioner. Holistic Nutrition and a Group/Fitness Coach I Practice and Facilitate Movement

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